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Writer's Block

If you have ever written a story or an essay for school, you most likely experienced a form of writer's block at some point. The worst part about writer's block for me personally, is when you reach the best part of your piece, but you can't figure out where to go from there. For example; I finished writing the climax of my newest novel, and I know how I want it to end and the next book to start, but I have no idea what to write between the climax and the end of the book. I had a huge kick for the first week and a half of writing, completing beginning to the climax. Now I'm stuck.

I've decided to take a break, read the story over and edit what I have in hopes that it will give me ideas to finish the book. I honestly don't have any useful tips to break out of the writer's block besides reading the content over and over again until a light bulb turns on in my head and the words spew out onto the page. The best part though, is that I know how it's going to end. I have found the perfect ending to smooth it over into a second novel AND I know how the next book will start. I've been contemplating making a multi-book series, and I have a few ideas bouncing around in my OneNote app, but I haven't solidified any ideas besides the second book.

Have you ever experienced writer's block, and if so, how did you break out of it?

- B-Raditude

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