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Motivation Brought By Music

I recently discussed writer's block and finding ways to 'overcome' such a time consuming thing. Well, I recently dislodged from writer's block and have ran right into the wall of 'no motivation.' I've always struggled with this wall. Didn't matter the topic or activity, I always tend to find this wall and slam directly into it. It can get very frustrating at times, especially when I need the motivation to continue with my activity.

For example; I've never been able to keep a steady routine in my life for more than 7 days at the most. It never mattered how hard I tried, or how many alarms I had set to remind me to check my schedule/calendar, I can never stick to a routine. Not only is this incredibly annoying to me, but it's also frustrating. I've had multiple therapist tell me that it's important to have a routine. It will help me manage my anxiety. I know they're right, but how do you stick to a routine to manage your anxiety when you have absolutely zero motivation to do so?

Well, I found one helpful tool that I haven't used in a long time that helped motivate me to continue writing my next novel. When I was young, I always head a pair of headphones on or in my ears at all times. You'd find me walking through the halls in high school listening to about fifty different songs. I listened to music on my thirty minute walk to my boyfriends house at 6:30 in the morning. I'd have one earbud in while walking with friends after school. Even while doing schoolwork or scrapping. I always had music playing.

Back in 2017, I got severly depressed. My life stooped to its lowest and I no longer cared for the things that brought me joy. I stopped reading, writing, focusing on school, eating, listening to music, and more. I gave up on myself. I gave up on living. I didn't see a point in living a life that made me exhaustingly miserable. Flashforward to the past three years. I found joy in all the things that used to bring me happiness once upon a time. I'm crocheting like a mad man, taking online classes at Harvard University, and listening to music. I still haven't nailed down routines yet, but I'm getting somewhere at least.

So, to help me kill my lack of motivation, I started listening to music in my headphones while writing my novel, My brain got too distracted with the usual songs on my playlist though. I've always had an intense admiration for classical music and decided to give that a shot for once. For the past two days, I have written non-stop to a playlist filled with mesmerizing classical music. This is the most amount of work I've managed to accomplish in the last month.

My question to you is, what kickstarts your motivation? Do you believe that music can play a role in that?

- B-Raditude

P.S. So far, the only routine I have is writing these blog posts that I honestly don't think many people read, but it feels natural, so why not? It brings me happiness, and that's all the matters. Follow your heart people. It knows what it wants/needs in this world.

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